I’ve been facing a quite a potent break-up…
I have been facing quite a potent break-up. One in which I have been talking myself out of grieving, until now. I have been bypassing the heart-wrenching feelings because, well, it is not easy to be “normal” in the world, feeling such a degree of pain.
I’ve cocooned myself and decided to figure it out on my own.
But that did not work.
Nor did reaching out to the person I am no longer with. That only made it worse, and actually, just reset me back to day 1.
Instead, I started letting people into my space. Letting my husband know what it feels like to really be present to his love right now (it stings like fuck), going to a party when I am not feeling remotely entertaining, letting the women in my life know the depth of what I’m facing, (though I feel gluttonous to complain at all since I already have one stable primary partnership), speaking to a new partner about it and letting him hold me when I am disheveled and ugly, letting men love me platonically as I remember the medicine of what it is like to have someone be a deep, true, “Just a friend.”
Part of my “letting people in-ness,” is still showing up and sharing my gifts with the world, even when I feel a bit displaced. A bit off. When my mojo feels temporarily on wait. And instead of hiding, thinking I’m useless to the world in this state, I have a feeling that my medicine is all the more potent as it roots through my body through heartache.
Tomorrow I will be teaching sexuality professionals in Michael Author’s year long mastermind, “Fuck and Grow Rich,” to create pretty bomb ass posts that go viral. I will be teaching how to write from your essence, so you can deeply touch others and call in your people aka clients.
I will touch on what it is like to write from the heart, even when life does not feel so good. ESPECIALLY when it doesn’t feel so good. As I have a lot of experience in that, perhaps more than I’d like. But I think that’s our job as coaches/writers/world changers: get our hearts cracked open wider and wider each time, so more and more of our essence can pour out.
Because that’s the only thing the world needs right now: our poured out aching alive souls. Holding nothing back.
And pouring, is what I do best.